From the effect of 12 September 2009,this blog will be officially closed. The owner,Mr Muhammad 'Otacon' Mu'tasim,has expressed displeasure over the 'deadness' of his blog and has stated his move to LiveJournal. His link is 'OTACONMUTASIM.LIVEJOURNAL.COM' . He hopes to see you there.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
So today wasn't really a great day. What did you expect when the class chairperson forces you to buy something you don't want?! First a batch of cookies that cost $10(!!) and now a class tee that has a sucky design that you force us to wear?! Damn you,Khaliesah. I mean,the only wise men in 2E1 were Kevin, Nicholas, Sean and I. We refuse to buy the class tee because it looks horrid. And why? Because it has been designed and approved by girls. Only. It doesn't even look right in the first place. WHAT KIND OF CLASS TEE HAS A DAMN BARCODE DESIGN?! I'M NOT A DAMN SUPERMARKET ITEM!! Once again,curse you,Khaliesah and the infamous group of people sitting at the back of the class scheming up plans for total class domination. Kim Jong Il looks like a tabby cat compared to you guys,I mean females.
In other news,I'm still pissed at them.
In other news that does not concern my class whatsoever,I love toast. Mmmm. With butter and sugar. Mmmm hmmmm. Yums. Eeh. I'm getting hungry. Curse you,'food for thoughts'.
Ahh well. Got oral tomorrow. Byes.
E-ya later!
'You feelin' lucky,punk?'
In other news,I'm still pissed at them.
In other news that does not concern my class whatsoever,I love toast. Mmmm. With butter and sugar. Mmmm hmmmm. Yums. Eeh. I'm getting hungry. Curse you,'food for thoughts'.
Ahh well. Got oral tomorrow. Byes.
E-ya later!
'You feelin' lucky,punk?'
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Today was a great day. Tofu.
Greetings,fellow readers. I have just arrived back from my perilous journey to a distant infrastructure in the far East,called...The School. My adventure today was far better than any other day in the history of my trips there,except for celebrations,to say the very least.
So today during MT we had to write a summary of what we did during NDP 09 and our thoughts on it. I visited Bumblebee on that day 'roflcopter'. Then we had Literature. Same ol' Ms Tay with her unique sense of humour. Meh. Did nothing but talk about Dawan and Bao. We were supposed to write about their similarities/diffs. They're both girls,THAT'S HOW THEY'RE SO DARN SIMILAR. They live in different houses,THAT'S HOW THEY'RE SO DARN DIFFERENT.
So yeah,we had recess. Then we had Art. We were supposed to draw the layout stage of our mock Art EOY thing. So I drew a couple of wet clothes hanging out in the sun,mixing with killer litter pots of plants,and some guy who dropped his ball from the 7th floor to some poor bloke at the ground floor. It was nice...HEHEHEHEHEHE. Then we had Math,but with no Mrs Wong! The whole class was somewhat overjoyed. We still had to do some Math before doing our individual work. Yay! Then we had English. No Ms Raj! Another 2 periods of lolcakes and celebrations! Ms Raj assigned us to do some darn compre,which we did in record time before UNO-ing! YAY AGAIN! So yeah,had another 2 periods of art because our CME teacher/form teacher wasn't around. Finished our art,and headed for home! Woo hoo!
Met Yong Kang and Suhaib. They showed me the Transformers:Defiance comic book,prequel to Transformers:RoTF. Darn cool. And super hard to find in bookstores nowadays. Then I headed home. Overslept in the bus 'till the bus captain tapped on my shoulder. Lol. Bye.
E-ya later!
Quote of the day:
'At the end of the day,one shall rise and one shall fall."
-Optimus Prime
So today during MT we had to write a summary of what we did during NDP 09 and our thoughts on it. I visited Bumblebee on that day 'roflcopter'. Then we had Literature. Same ol' Ms Tay with her unique sense of humour. Meh. Did nothing but talk about Dawan and Bao. We were supposed to write about their similarities/diffs. They're both girls,THAT'S HOW THEY'RE SO DARN SIMILAR. They live in different houses,THAT'S HOW THEY'RE SO DARN DIFFERENT.
So yeah,we had recess. Then we had Art. We were supposed to draw the layout stage of our mock Art EOY thing. So I drew a couple of wet clothes hanging out in the sun,mixing with killer litter pots of plants,and some guy who dropped his ball from the 7th floor to some poor bloke at the ground floor. It was nice...HEHEHEHEHEHE. Then we had Math,but with no Mrs Wong! The whole class was somewhat overjoyed. We still had to do some Math before doing our individual work. Yay! Then we had English. No Ms Raj! Another 2 periods of lolcakes and celebrations! Ms Raj assigned us to do some darn compre,which we did in record time before UNO-ing! YAY AGAIN! So yeah,had another 2 periods of art because our CME teacher/form teacher wasn't around. Finished our art,and headed for home! Woo hoo!
Met Yong Kang and Suhaib. They showed me the Transformers:Defiance comic book,prequel to Transformers:RoTF. Darn cool. And super hard to find in bookstores nowadays. Then I headed home. Overslept in the bus 'till the bus captain tapped on my shoulder. Lol. Bye.
E-ya later!
Quote of the day:
'At the end of the day,one shall rise and one shall fall."
-Optimus Prime
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Chevy Camaro buzzes into town.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I Is Sick Of Ur Idiocy: Rants of a Geek
I'm sick of retarded people on YouTube who act like they're big s***,claiming they know every single damn thing about cars. Especially those V8 muscle birdbrains. So what if they're powerful? There is a saying,"Power is nothing without control",which is completely true,but alas,these muscletards are oblivious to it. They only care about quarter mile timings,yet change the subject when we talk about CIRCUIT/TRACK timings. Gayness much? I think so.
And then there is the lowest of the low V8 fanboys. Disregarding all V8s except for the top-of-the-line models. They always say : "YoUr Pus5y GT-r cant beat oUr Zr1/ACr HAHALOLZOMGBBQ"
Isn't the GT-R a damn base model? WTF. The high-performance version ain't coming till 2010,so stop bitching about your ACR/ZR1/BBQ roast pork. There is a HUGE horsepower difference between the cars we are comparing! Oh,I don't know,maybe a frigging 200?!
Another thing. ACR Viper is NOT made for daily use,no matter what you say. It has the practicality of a wooden canoe and the ride comfort of an ape on crack. It's a track day car,for goodness sake. The ZR1,like I told you,is the highest end of the Corvette line,with minimalist interior and CF panels on the whole chassis,and if you want to compare it with a standard GT-R with a full leather interior,heated seats and all luxuries known to man,then you are officially a dumba**.
Now I know by now there will be a whole bunch of haters wanting to rip me off literally. This is how I am feeling,in response to your anger.

Rant has ended. Goodbye.
And then there is the lowest of the low V8 fanboys. Disregarding all V8s except for the top-of-the-line models. They always say : "YoUr Pus5y GT-r cant beat oUr Zr1/ACr HAHALOLZOMGBBQ"
Isn't the GT-R a damn base model? WTF. The high-performance version ain't coming till 2010,so stop bitching about your ACR/ZR1/BBQ roast pork. There is a HUGE horsepower difference between the cars we are comparing! Oh,I don't know,maybe a frigging 200?!
Another thing. ACR Viper is NOT made for daily use,no matter what you say. It has the practicality of a wooden canoe and the ride comfort of an ape on crack. It's a track day car,for goodness sake. The ZR1,like I told you,is the highest end of the Corvette line,with minimalist interior and CF panels on the whole chassis,and if you want to compare it with a standard GT-R with a full leather interior,heated seats and all luxuries known to man,then you are officially a dumba**.
Now I know by now there will be a whole bunch of haters wanting to rip me off literally. This is how I am feeling,in response to your anger.

Rant has ended. Goodbye.
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