And then there is the lowest of the low V8 fanboys. Disregarding all V8s except for the top-of-the-line models. They always say : "YoUr Pus5y GT-r cant beat oUr Zr1/ACr HAHALOLZOMGBBQ"
Isn't the GT-R a damn base model? WTF. The high-performance version ain't coming till 2010,so stop bitching about your ACR/ZR1/BBQ roast pork. There is a HUGE horsepower difference between the cars we are comparing! Oh,I don't know,maybe a frigging 200?!
Another thing. ACR Viper is NOT made for daily use,no matter what you say. It has the practicality of a wooden canoe and the ride comfort of an ape on crack. It's a track day car,for goodness sake. The ZR1,like I told you,is the highest end of the Corvette line,with minimalist interior and CF panels on the whole chassis,and if you want to compare it with a standard GT-R with a full leather interior,heated seats and all luxuries known to man,then you are officially a dumba**.
Now I know by now there will be a whole bunch of haters wanting to rip me off literally. This is how I am feeling,in response to your anger.

Rant has ended. Goodbye.